Please note our recycle yard at our new Shingle location April, 2024.
The cost is $3.00 per bundle for clean loads. Dirty loads are still accepted as well. Price for dirty loads of shingles will be $4.00 per bundle to cover the time to clean/ sort them.
Older shingles must be reported at the time of dumping as we must check them for asbestos and may segregate them from the newer ones. Asbestos shingles are usually smaller looking and red. I would appreciate everyones input on asbestos shingles and what to look for to identify them.
The recycling operation costs have exceeded the incoming revenue and the outgoing product is moving very slowly with more revenue going into advertising / lobbying than we create on the back end.
So we need to increase the pricing or simply stop taking shingles. We enjoy seeing the hardest workers there are everyday and making life easier for all of you with our friendly staff and convenient hours. So we will continue to move forward in this recycling venture. We are in this together and with your support , intend to see things succeed. We all deserve recognition for choosing to recycle. I thank you all for your support.
Our expectations for selling for finished product have not come to fruition as the Saskatchewan government doesn’t currently allow recycled product in the hot mix or cold mix asphalt. We are the only province in Canada that doesn’t allow any recycled product in the asphalt so in response , we have been marketing the product for dust control with towns and RMs and are slowly making progress.
The city of saskatoon is also anti - recycling when it comes shingles and do not allow even a small amount of recycled shingles in the new asphalt.
The United States fully supports using recycled shingles in their roadways. There is much literature online that supports recycling shingles. So we will continue to lobby our own Government to change their policies on recycled product in asphalt. Until then , we must increase our prices for accepting shingles.
At $3.00 per bundle, this equates to approx $85.00 to $90.00 per tonne. Still much better than the city landfills and it’s much less hassle coming to our yard as well.
Thankyou for your time. Please call me if you have any questions.
Lens Hauling Ltd / The Garbage Man.